Goodbye, Spring-Ford. I’ll miss you.
Spring-Ford seniors editors (from left) Jamie Ford, Jeffrey Crosten, Ally McVey, Jackie Vickery, Maitri Patel, and Jade Weller are pictured in front of the Ram statue. Each editor has worked on the paper several years.
June 16, 2022
They say “time flies when you’re having fun,” and my time with Spring-Ford did indeed come to an end rather quickly.
During elementary, middle, and high school, I can confidently say that I have made many meaningful friendships that will last a lifetime and made memories I wouldn’t trade for the world.
As graduation approaches, I look back at all of the memories I have made, almost as if it was a movie.
Spring-Ford has given me many opportunities to flourish and has taught me to be resilient in the face of adversity.
My teachers have played a large role in shaping me to be the person I am today and I am incredibly grateful to every single one of my mentors since my time at Limerick Elementary School. They have given me so much support and have always motivated me to reach my full potential. I can admit that I may not have always seen eye to eye with my mentors, and high school for me wasn’t always fun and games. However, all of the lessons I have learned and the work I put in to get to where I am has definitely paid off.
During the peak lockdown period of the pandemic and virtual school, I struggled with getting my work done on time and giving my classes my full attention. Also, I wasn’t able to see friends often and ask my teachers questions the way I would have in-person.
The transition to normalcy changed everything.
Coming back to school allowed me to meet new people and gave me the chance to form relationships with teachers and other staff in school. The addition of this important aspect of school allowed me to have the best senior year I possibly could ask for.
Whether it be spending hours in the FPC pestering Mrs.Sussman with questions about college or catching up on work in the library during my study halls, I have had an amazing year.
Saying goodbye to many years worth of pep rallies, football games, friendships, and memories will be hard as I hug my friends goodbye after graduation, but I am looking forward to the future.
Although past years were filled with lots of excitement, making it sad to leave behind, I am ready to move on and start the next chapter of my life.
Goodbye Spring-Ford. You will always have a special place in my heart.